1. "Write an 800-word blog post about [subject], and include the following keywords in the headline, subheading, and body paragraphs." Then, list the keywords you want ChatGPT to include.
  2. "Write a list of blog titles that include statistics on [topic]."
  3. "Write a YouTube video script about [product, blog, company, etc.]."
  4. "Write a 100-word Instagram caption about [topic] in an informative and friendly tone and include relevant hashtags."
  5. "Write 10 YouTube headlines about [topic] and include the words [keywords]."
  6. "Generate a Twitter thread about [topic]."
  7. "Analyze this blog post for plagiarism."
  8. "Check this blog post for spelling and grammar mistakes."
  9. "Generate 5 ideas for YouTube videos about [topic, industry, company, service, product, etc.]."
  10. "Create a script for a web series that educates viewers about [topic]."
  11. "Write a script for an hour-long podcast episode about [topic]."
  12. "Write an engaging script for a virtual product launch."
  13. Generate a simple, high-quality image for social media for a [type] company. The goal of the image must be to acquire new customers."
  14. "Translate the following company into [language]: [copy]."
  15. "Write an outline for a blog post about [topic]. Include the keywords [keywords] in the headline and subheadings."
  16. "Build a reader persona for [page description]."
  17. "Make the following copy more creative: [copy]."
  18. "Simply the following copy to make it easy for Grade 3 children to read."
  19. "Rephrase the following copy."
  20. "Write an engaging video script about [topic]."