1. First Principles Thinking: "Apply first principles thinking to deconstruct [specific problem] and identify the fundamental truths to build a solution from the ground up."
  2. Inversion: "Use the inversion mental model to approach [specific goal] by thinking about ways to ensure failure and then avoiding those actions."
  3. Second-Order Thinking: "Analyze the potential second-order effects of implementing [specific strategy] in your business, considering the long-term impact."
  4. Pareto Principle: "Identify the 20% of activities that are producing 80% of the results in [specific area] and focus on optimizing these for greater efficiency."
  5. Opportunity Cost: "Evaluate the opportunity cost of pursuing [specific decision], considering what you are giving up in terms of time, resources, and potential alternatives."
  6. Circle of Competence: "Define your circle of competence in [specific field] and determine how to leverage your strengths while seeking help for areas outside your expertise."
  7. Mental Accounting: "Analyze how mental accounting might be influencing your financial decisions in [specific situation] and develop a strategy to manage your resources more effectively."
  8. Confirmation Bias: "Identify how confirmation bias might be affecting your judgment in [specific context] and develop techniques to seek out and consider opposing viewpoints."
  9. Occam’s Razor: "Apply Occam’s Razor to simplify [specific problem] by focusing on the simplest solution that accounts for all the known facts."
  10. Latticework of Mental Models: "Create a latticework of mental models to approach [specific challenge] by integrating diverse models and perspectives for a holistic solution."
  11. Bayesian Thinking: "Use Bayesian thinking to update your beliefs about [specific situation] based on new evidence and probabilities."
  12. Hanlon’s Razor: "Apply Hanlon’s Razor to [specific conflict] by assuming no malice when stupidity or ignorance could explain the behavior."
  13. Law of Diminishing Returns: "Evaluate how the law of diminishing returns is impacting your efforts in [specific project] and adjust your strategy accordingly."
  14. Regret Minimization Framework: "Use the regret minimization framework to make a decision about [specific choice] by considering how you’ll feel about it in the future."
  15. Feynman Technique: "Apply the Feynman Technique to master [specific concept] by teaching it in simple terms and identifying gaps in your understanding."
  16. 80/20 Rule: "Identify the top 20% of tasks in [specific area] that are contributing to 80% of your success and prioritize these activities."
  17. Red Teaming: "Use red teaming to challenge your assumptions and plans for [specific strategy] by having a team simulate potential adversaries and critique your approach."
  18. Antifragility: "Develop an antifragile strategy for [specific situation] that allows you to thrive and grow stronger in the face of volatility and stress."
  19. Scenario Planning: "Create multiple scenarios for the future of [specific industry] and develop flexible strategies to navigate different potential outcomes."