1. Recommend complementary products that go well with a customer’s recent purchase of [item].
  2. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track Facebook Custom Conversion events triggered by a callback button click using JavaScript.
  3. Craft an upbeat 50-word product description for [insert product information].
  4. Create a friendly chat message for [company name] to explain our hassle-free return policy: [insert return policy].
  5. Modify the product titles in the provided list by adding keywords [insert keywords] where appropriate.
  6. Write a persuasive email to encourage customers to sign up for our newsletter and receive exclusive discounts, product updates, and insider tips. [Insert supplementary information]
  7. Develop a marketing campaign for [product/service], including strategies for social media promotion, email marketing, and influencer collaborations.
  8. Write a compelling call-to-action (CTA) button copy similar to “Shop Now,” “Add to Cart,” or “Get Yours Today!”
  9. Generate a list of [number] FAQs with answers for our customer support team.
  10. Develop a loyalty program that rewards customers with points for their purchases, referrals, and social media engagement.
  11. Act as an ecommerce merchandising expert. Create product collection descriptions for [brand]. [Insert brand information here]
  12. Write an SMS campaign for our product [product information].
  13. Craft ad copy for our product and optimize the copy for [social media channel] ads.
  14. Come up with [number] ideas for newsletter sign-up CTAs.
  15. Write a list of [number] of audience demographics that might want [product/service].
  16. Write 10 Google Ads headline variations with only 30 characters.